Our experts are ready to tell you in detail about the solutions and services of the T1 Integration

T1 Integration has extensive experience in implementing projects for Russian transport industry enterprises. Over the years of cooperation, we have implemented dozens of projects that contributed to the dynamic development of customers' business.

T1 Integration's projects in the transport industry are aimed at solving the most urgent tasks, including ensuring safety, improving the efficiency of transportation and resource management.

Solutions and services
Mass Media about us
  • Comprehensive security
    • Inspection systems

    • Digital security systems

    • Information security

    • Industrial safety

    • Engineering and technical systems for the protection of transport facilities

    • Intelligent video surveillance

  • Enterprise management
    • ERP and CRM as the main management tools

    • Asset management systems EAM

    • Optimization of business processes using BPMS and Process Mining

    • Situational centers

  • Digital solutions
    • Industrial Internet of Things

    • Video analytics

    • Blockchain

    • Resource accounting control

    • Monitoring of technological parameters of vehicles

    • Machine learning, artificial intelligence, Big Data

  • Foundation for digital solutions
    • Software-defined IT infrastructure

    • Virtualization and cloud technologies

    • Hyperconvergent solutions

    • Data centers

    • Networks and communication systems

  • Creation of a backup Data Processing Center for Aeroflot

    The data center consists of standard modules made on the basis of own solution "IT Crew" of the company "T1 Integration", and includes 4 server units, 4 engineering units, warehouse and dispatcher blocks, as well as a guaranteed block power supply. The capacity of the data center is 56 server racks. In -line air conditioners are installed in the server blocks, allowing remove 10 kW of heat from each rack.

    Aeroflot's backup data center is a two-level modular design. The blocks are arranged vertically in two tiers: the lower tier is occupied by engineering equipment, designed to maintain the smooth operation of the server the block located on the upper tier. At the same time , the following is done docking of two server blocks with the creation of a single technological premises for the installation of active equipment, as well as the docking of two engineering blocks to form a single engineering site. Each engineering unit is complex solution and equipped with all the necessary specialized systems, including guaranteed power supply systems, maintenance of temperature and humidity regime, automatic management of computing complexes, as well as systems fire protection, remote control, monitoring and video surveillance. The solution provides redundancy of the entire engineering infrastructure up to level 2N and developed in accordance with the level of redundancy of engineering systems not lower TIER-3 according to the Uptime Institute.

    Aeroflot's modular data processing center has been awarded a prestigious CNews AWARDS 2013 IT award in the nomination "High-tech Data center of the year".

  • Modernization of the traffic management infrastructure in regions of Russia

    T1 Integration has been involved in the implementation of the Federal target program "Improving road safety in 2006-2012" under the management of a specially created Directorate PBDD. The company has carried out modernization in 42 regions of Russia traffic management facilities, equipped intersections led traffic lights, modern controls controllers, a time-allowing countdown scoreboard signal, additional audio accompanying devices, modern software. This was preceded by a lot of preparatory work: analysis of the accident rate of intersections in each city and region, the selection of the required equipment with taking into account the existing infrastructure of local management systems road traffic and its compatibility with new technology, etc. Work on the replacement of traffic lights was carried out as quickly as possible, to minimize inconveniences for road users. All that it required a clear coordination of the work of local authorities, traffic police units, owners of the road network and others organizations involved in the process of equipment replacement.

    Based on the results of six years of activity on the implementation of the Program the lives of almost 25 thousand people were saved, significantly exceeded almost all calculated indicators. Decreased by more than 40% transport risk, social risk decreased by 26%, consistently, the severity of the consequences of an accident decreases from year to year, the number of children affected by them is decreasing. As a result measures taken to improve the organization of the road movement, including the exclusion of conflict situations, on according to the PBDD Directorate, a fairly pronounced the trend of reducing the number of pedestrians killed in road accidents.

"Cloud services. A new generation of OSS/BSS systems. Promising services"

- Mobile Telecommunications magazine, No.06-07, 2014

"All the benefits in the networks"

- "Russian Business Newspaper", No.978 (49)

"Beacon at the helm"

- "Russian Business Newspaper", No.947 (18)

"Sergey Korneev, tEchnoserv: "Telecom is the main customer for us"

- Mobile Telecommunications magazine, No.3, 2013

"traffic pipe should be adapted for industry offers"

- Mobile Telecommunications magazine, No.1, 2013
Vitaly Savelyev General Director of JSC "Aeroflot - Russian Airlines"

Aeroflot is not only constantly improving its service processes passengers, achieving an increasingly high quality of service, but also strives to contribute to the development of domestic civil aviation. Working at the level of the highest international standards, we we are introducing technological innovations that tomorrow may become a tool for the work of all Russian air carriers. So, cooperation with T1 Integration allowed us to increase efficiency business management and create the first in the domestic civil aviation is a fully functional situation center that has become a key piece of infrastructure to prevent disruptions and responding to possible emergency situations."

Take part in our events

Events calendar

01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Robotization and optimization of business processes
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Automation of production
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
State structures
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
IT infrastructure
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Information security
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Information infrastructure
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Corporate telecommunications
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Monitoring systems
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Data centers
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Tele2 Russia
01 / 01
03:00 (msk)
Court of the Russian Federation
10 / 01
00:00 (msk)
Новый статус «ТехноСерв А/С»
19 / 01
00:00 (msk)
«ТехноСерв А/С» на ХI Международном Форуме «Технологии безопасности»
31 / 01
00:00 (msk)
«ТехноСерв А/С» подтвердил статус Cisco Gold Partner Certified
03 / 03
00:00 (msk)
OSS для операторов сотовой связи
13 / 03
00:00 (msk)
EMC повышает статус «ТехноСерв А/С»
28 / 03
00:00 (msk)
Итоги 2005
06 / 04
00:00 (msk)
Новая специализация от Hewlett-Packard
11 / 05
00:00 (msk)
Ведущий ВУЗ России в области менеджмента открыл курс по приложениям Oracle
01 / 06
00:00 (msk)
Новые награды «ТехноСерв А/С»
13 / 06
00:00 (msk)
03 / 07
00:00 (msk)
«ТехноСерв А/С» получил очередную награду от EMC Corporation
21 / 08
00:00 (msk)
Экспозиция «ТехноСерв А/С» на Storage Expo Russia 2006
24 / 08
00:00 (msk)
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