T1 Integration has been involved in the implementation of the Federal
target program "Improving road safety in
2006-2012" under the management of a specially created Directorate
PBDD. The company has carried out modernization in 42 regions of Russia
traffic management facilities, equipped intersections
led traffic lights, modern controls
controllers, a time-allowing countdown scoreboard
signal, additional audio accompanying devices,
modern software. This was preceded by
a lot of preparatory work: analysis of the accident rate of intersections
in each city and region, the selection of the required equipment with
taking into account the existing infrastructure of local management systems
road traffic and its compatibility with new technology, etc.
Work on the replacement of traffic lights was carried out as quickly as possible,
to minimize inconveniences for road users. All that
it required a clear coordination of the work of local authorities,
traffic police units, owners of the road network and others
organizations involved in the process of equipment replacement.
Based on the results of six years of activity on the implementation of the Program
the lives of almost 25 thousand people were saved, significantly exceeded
almost all calculated indicators. Decreased by more than 40%
transport risk, social risk decreased by 26%,
consistently, the severity of the consequences of an accident decreases from year to year,
the number of children affected by them is decreasing. As a result
measures taken to improve the organization of the road
movement, including the exclusion of conflict situations, on
according to the PBDD Directorate, a fairly pronounced
the trend of reducing the number of pedestrians killed in
road accidents.